Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Events for May and June

If you're interested in learning more about how you can personally prepare for peak oil and climate change and how to work with others in your community, there are some workshops and events coming up in May and June you might be interested in.

May 23 or 30 - beginners' guide to growing your own food - course held at Eudlo
June 6 - beginners' guide to compost and worm farms - at Eudlo
June 13 & 20 - Introduction to Permaculture - held at Eudlo and includes a section on Transition Towns
June 14 - Eudlo Winter Markets at the Town Hall - starts 8am
June 28 - World Environment Day a the local university - Transition Towns will be there.

Transition Town Eudlo Coordinator

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Transition Talk...

Things are developing here and nodes are starting to form.

If you are interested in any of the following, please let us know by emailing raintreeorganics[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]au we are looking for people with an interest in these areas, either a passion or expertise to help get Transition Town Eudlo off and running.

Our next meeting is the first Sunday in June

Food Co-operative - taking part in the running of the new Eudlo Food Co-op
Seed Saving - join the seed saving group
Waste - working on local waste solutions for Eudlo - compost toilets, worm farming, reducing waste etc
Energy - interested in being part of the energy group - help set the agenda for energy resilience in Eudlo
Steam Team - interested in steam engines? So are others, let's get our collective genius together and come up with some solutions.

Transition Town Eudlo